
The Dreams Maven™ is part of the Helping You Sparkle™ portfolio. You might also like Monday Mojo™, my weekly newsletter offering insight, intention and inspiration for the week ahead.

For enquiries about services including TV, media and speaking events, or booking a workshop, please complete the form further down.

Got a Dream Question?

Are you having a recurring dream? Do you have a question about a particular symbol that you’d like to explore (because dream dictionaries and Google can’t always help)? You might like The Dream Download™.

If you’d like a more in-depth exploration of a dream, take a look at blip. below.

If the services above aren’t what you’re looking for, complete the form below. However, please don’t send dreams for analysis using this form as they can’t be used this way. See the options above.

Always speak to your healthcare team if you’re worried about your health and well-being. If you are struggling with your mental health, speak to your doctor; alternatively you could call 111 in the U.K. You could also reach out to the Samaritans who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 116 123 (UK and ROI) or visit their website.

Available on Amazon

Out Now

The 4 am Mystery: That’s an actual thing by the way. Even before a global health crisis, people found themselves awake in the middle of the night. Answers In The Dark aims to join the dots between sleep, dreams and our mental health, specifically how grief shows up, even if no one has died. 

It explores some of the Big Myths of sleep, offers a Sleep Cycle Repair Kit and tips on how to decode your own dreams. Out now on Amazon and Hive

#1 Best Seller on Amazon for its category.

Delphi is the author of Answers In The Dark: Grief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal, out now on Amazon and Hive.  Monday Mojo™ is not affiliated with any other newsletter or podcast that may have the same name.All content is © Delphi Ellis, all rights reserved. All services are subject to availability. Please read these policies for details. “Wellness through Learning™”