Full Moon Mojo – The Pink Moon (April)

This month’s Full Moon is unlikely to be pink itself – as cute as that would be – it’s actually thought to be named after the beautiful flowers coming into bloom at this time of year. According to this Almanac, it’s also known as the Breaking Ice moon, perhaps again to recognise that cold weatherContinue reading “Full Moon Mojo – The Pink Moon (April)”

Full Moon Mojo – The Worm Moon (March)

This month’s Full Moon (25/3/24) is usually known as The Worm Moon. You might think that’s a bit ew – unless you love worms of course – but it makes sense, because this moon can symbolise Spring, and a time for renewal. As with all Full Moons it’s a time to let go, and aContinue reading “Full Moon Mojo – The Worm Moon (March)”

Why can’t I make a phone call in my dream?

This is a great example of how dream content has changed over time: 200 years ago, people were unlikely to have had this dream (unless maybe it was predictive…). The appearance of the phone has also shifted in dreams over recent times, from using a landline to a mobile/cell phone. A common scenario in dreamsContinue reading “Why can’t I make a phone call in my dream?”

What is Dream Incubation?

We’ve been exploring the importance of dreams for centuries. But can we really receive wisdom while we sleep? The short answer is yes! Dreams can offer insights that may provide food for thought on our current challenges, reflect on past events and may even predict the future. We also know that some people become lucidContinue reading “What is Dream Incubation?”

What is intuition (and should I trust it)?

Intuition is our ability to know something instinctively without having to discover it or rationalise it intellectually – a deep sense of ‘knowing’ without analytical process.  You can’t explain to anyone why – you don’t have statistics or research to back up your perspective.  You just ‘know’.  Intuition is seen by many as the highest formContinue reading “What is intuition (and should I trust it)?”