What is Spiritual Bypassing?

Note to reader: this article makes reference to trauma and difficult experiences. Always contact your healthcare team if you’re worried about your well-being. When we invest energy in living spiritually and we do this with self-awareness and compassionate self-reflection, this can be a meaningful pathway to spiritual intelligence (SQ). Doing our own shadow work isContinue reading “What is Spiritual Bypassing?”

Why can’t I make a phone call in my dream?

This is a great example of how dream content has changed over time: 200 years ago, people were unlikely to have had this dream (unless maybe it was predictive…). The appearance of the phone has also shifted in dreams over recent times, from using a landline to a mobile/cell phone. A common scenario in dreamsContinue reading “Why can’t I make a phone call in my dream?”

Full Moon Mojo – The Snow Moon (February)

February’s Full Moon (24/2/24) is typically called The Snow Moon, most likely because of the cold weather we often associate with this time of year, especially in some parts of the world. As the days start to get slightly longer we might also start to notice very, very early signs of Spring, which can actContinue reading “Full Moon Mojo – The Snow Moon (February)”

What is Dream Incubation?

We’ve been exploring the importance of dreams for centuries. But can we really receive wisdom while we sleep? The short answer is yes! Dreams can offer insights that may provide food for thought on our current challenges, reflect on past events and may even predict the future. We also know that some people become lucidContinue reading “What is Dream Incubation?”

How to Keep a Meditation Journal

Whether you’re new to mindfulness or a seasoned meditator, you might find keeping a journal helpful. In the early days of your learning, it can be particularly useful to keep a record of your experiences, to help you find out what works best for you (and what doesn’t). Some people find keeping a record helpsContinue reading “How to Keep a Meditation Journal”