Dream question: What do dreams of being pregnant mean; news of a birth, death or something else?

This was dream question sent to me for answer: If you’d like a chance for your dream question to be answered find out more about the The Dream Download™ here. This topic also features in my book Answers In The Dark: Grief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal.

Why do we dream of pregnancy?

In some traditions around the world, some people believe a dream of pregnancy is a prediction, whereas others believe it may be an omen of something more sinister – this is why people often worry about a pregnancy dream.

The history of this may rest in Chester Beatty Papyrus #3, discovered in 1931, a manuscript dating back to 1220BC which suggested the Theory of Opposites. It’s most likely from this, that we have developed a myth that dreams of birth mean death, and vice versa.  At the time of writing, there is no hard research to support the suggestion that dreams of being pregnant are news of a death – so that’s a relief.

Pregnancy dreams are very common though so it’s worth exploring what the might mean.

Pregnancy dreams may represent the birth of new ideas, new projects and creative changes which may be ahead. So if you’ve just started a new project at work, or have desires to be an entrepreneur then you may well have a pregnancy dream – even men dream of being pregnant, by the way.

You might be recognising subtle changes within yourself – this could be physically; we might say “I look pregnant” when we’re feeling bloated. Or psychologically; perhaps we see potential in a particular area but like a pregnancy, it might take some time for the idea to grow.

It has been known for people to dream of someone else being pregnant and this has turned out to be true. A pregnancy dream might also mean we are aware of ourselves taking on some new qualities or responsibilities (if we dream of someone else being pregnant, it might be that we so those qualities or responsibilities happening for them). If a man dreams of being pregnant it might be an acknowledgement he needs to take responsibility for a particular area of their life (this obviously depends on how someone views pregnancy).

Generally speaking though, pregnancy dreams are usually positive, often depicting that a transition will be gradual and that with patience the idea or project will grow at a healthy and natural pace.

If you’re actually pregnant at the time of the dream, this can be relevant to the preparations for your new arrival. Dreams while pregnant can acknowledge the process of conception, anxieties about the pregnancy or labour, relationships with people whilst you’re pregnant and what life will be like once the baby’s born.

Some Tips for Pregnancy Dreams:

* Let your ideas grow – Consider if your dream is acknowledging an idea you’ve had which, like a pregnancy, needs time to grow and develop. Don’t rush things, take your time to let these ideas unfold so that they can develop in a healthy, natural way.

* Acknowledge the message – If you’re passed child bearing age (or can’t have children), this doesn’t mean that your pregnancy dream is not relevant. Sometimes pregnancy dreams can be asking you to acknowledge the desire to have children, even when older (and grieving for not being able to have them) or that you would like the opportunity to “look after” people who are vulnerable.

* Consider your responsibilities – If being pregnant is your worst nightmare then this can suggest that there is an issue with responsibility or feeling responsible for something you didn’t want. A bit like the saying “being left holding the baby “. If it’s a recurring dream, you might find the Dream Diary Template in Answers In The Dark offers some help.

Delphi is the author of Answers In The Dark: Grief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal, out now on Amazon and Hive. The Dreams Maven™ is part of the Helping You Sparkle™ portfolio. You might also like Monday Mojo™.

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The 4 am Mystery: That’s an actual thing by the way. Even before a global health crisis people found themselves awake in the middle of the night. Answers In The Darkaims to join the dots between sleep, dreams and our mental health, specifically how grief shows up, even if no one has died. 

It explores some of the Big Myths of sleep, offers a Sleep Cycle Repair Kit and tips on how to decode your own dreams. Out now on Amazon and Hive

#1 Best Seller on Amazon for its category.

© Delphi Ellis All rights reserved.

Published by Delphi Ellis

Counsellor, Trauma-Sensitive Trainer, Dreams Luminary and Author of Answers In The Dark: Grief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal, out now on Amazon and Hive. Dream Expert as seen on TV. © All rights reserved.

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